Thursday, October 24, 2024

What Is Aircon Service?

Aircon Service is a regular maintenance routine that includes a range of tests, checks and calibrations performed by a qualified service engineer. The tests and checks are designed to ensure your air conditioning system is operating correctly and efficiently. Aircon Servicing can prevent minor issues such as dirty coils and blocked condensate drains from turning into major repairs that cost a lot more money. It can also extend the lifespan of your Air Conditioner and reduce energy costs.

The evaporator coil is responsible for cooling the refrigerant, and over time it can become dirty. Cleaning the evaporator coil improves the efficiency of your Aircon and significantly reduces energy consumption.

It is important to keep the thermostat working properly and accurately calibrated to avoid overworking your Air Conditioner and reducing its performance. During Aircon servicing the technician will test and check the temperature and calibration of the thermostat. If the thermostat is faulty or incorrectly calibrated it can lead to reduced energy efficiency, poor Aircon performance and costly repairs in the future.

In some cases it may be necessary to replace a part of the air conditioning system. A professional will be able to identify the fault and provide an accurate quote for any replacement parts needed. This will then be scheduled in for repair or replacement as soon as possible.

Moving parts in an air conditioning unit, such as fan motors and blower wheels, can cause wear and tear over time and lead to a lack of lubrication. During Aircon servicing the technician will lubricate these parts to reduce wear and tear and help the Aircon run more smoothly and efficiently.

The drainage system in your Aircon can get blocked with debris and dirt, which can result in a water leak or damage to the air conditioning unit. The drainage system will be cleaned by flushing with water, checking for blockages and cleaning with chemicals to remove any algae growth. The drainage system will then be drained of any remaining water to prevent it from becoming stagnant and leading to further problems.

Due to the harmful effects of F-Gases, it is essential that only trained and certified service engineers can carry out Aircon servicing. All Natural Persons who work on refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing F-Gases must be registered with the F-Gas Registration body.

As part of Aircon PPM it is also a good practice to maintain a stock of spare system parts, particularly ones that are critical for operation or difficult to obtain at short notice. This will reduce downtime and potential lost productivity. It is advisable to check the condition of these parts during Aircon PPM and replace them where required. In addition, it is a legal requirement to keep a record of service log labels – specifying service actions, persons and dates and updating the ‘Contains Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases’ label where necessary.

from Temper Troops

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